The world needs you. You need me


How I have helped others

I help individuals who are feeling stuck in their life to find space to tune in and explore - it’s tricky to move without space.

Many of my clients have said that they have felt safe, listened to, and supported without judgement during their sessions. 

I use individually tailored techniques that allows clients to tune-in and find awareness to help relax and accept. Many clients have reported the amazing progress they make just by taking time to listen to their inner dialogue . 

They are genuinely encouraged when they uncover strengths that are revealed through these sessions. I am constantly amazed and delighted by how committed and motivated people are to change once they sign up to coaching.

Past Clients

AMY. I recently worked with a younger client Amy who was keen to return to university and complete her Master’s in Nutrition.

Amy was stuck and feeling lost during Covid. Amy knew where she wanted to go next in life, but was sitting in a cloud of fog, unsure how to proceed. She wanted to specialise in nutrition but was fearful  at the idea of signing up for the course. Creating space and talking through these concerns revealed what was stopping Amy from sending off her application. We uncovered that she was afraid of the prospect of being rejected and not being accepted into the course. We worked through the advantages and disadvantages of applying and visualised the idea of  becoming a nutritionist. Amy discovered that this truly made her feel happy and motivated.  The alternative of not doing anything compromised the dream of becoming the nutritionist she had set her heart on becoming. The next day Amy sent off her application knowing this was the right option, she was accepted immediately and is so excited to be starting her course this February.

JOHN. John did not know how to stop his thoughts. My experience as a coach often reminds me of how hard it is for most people to find time to meditate. John and I worked together with simple and gentle techniques that guided him to become ‘aware’ of his thoughts. The focus shifted to pausing and reflecting rather than the exhaustion of trying to get ‘rid’ of the thoughts. John has found these techniques beneficial and he now frequently manages to pause during the day to observe and be aware of the thoughts that come and go.

I have been practicing and teaching yoga and meditation for over 12 years. I will share simple techniques that can take as little as 4 minutes to practice. I have a created my own visualisations and short meditation audios that can be practiced anywhere - in the home, at work, in a cafe - not just on a yoga mat in lotus position.

SANDRA. Sandra has a busy job in banking. Through our sessions she discovered that simple meditation - mindful moments, can be practiced just about anywhere. Sandra committed to these moments and was amazed at the affect this had. Through our sessions, Sandra was able to use techniques to shift her head space when unhelpful thoughts were lurking. Sandra took great joy in sharing these practices with work colleagues and her manager who shared this with his team. I was thrilled to see her delight in telling me this story - she really felt she made a valuable contribution to the team with this new knowledge. 

This is what I love - the ability to share knowledge with one person who becomes inspired to then share with others – it makes it all worthwhile.

When I share the TESA plan with my clients their eyes light up when they see the visual infographic which takes you through the positive process of shifting from being stuck to taking action and moving forward.

Get in touch, get unstuck